Our Daily Bread

what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
  • Reach out to family & loves ones
  • Maintain fitness - strong core and clear IPPT
  • Pick up parenting skills
  • Save up and plan for renovation
  • Build passive business & investment income
  • Back up Data
  • Manage $ Cash flow
  • Learn sinan mori

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Dream Builder Not Killer

from Service,

--->Nothing is impossible with GOD {matt19:26,mark 14:27,Luke1:36,37}

--->Problem Unbelief {Gen 18:13-14,Jeremiah 32:26-27,Matt17:20}

--->Don't get easily discourage

--->Be of Good Cheer =) {Isaiah 14:26}

[A] Open your heart to God's Dream
[B] Give your life to the live God's Dream
[C] Encourage one another to dream God's Dream
[4]Release the hurt harbored --> Have no bitterness

Exodus 15:23
(Clean)Elim<-----------about 8km------------->Marah(Bitter) ~~> Sweet

Overcoming ~Stress~ in your LIFE

--------------------------->Be C-A-L-M<----------------------------------
The eight steps to overcome stress :
from CG:

[1] Know who you are in Christ {John 10:36} => The principle of identification

[2] Know who you are trying to please {John 5:30} => Cannot please everyone

[3] Know what you are trying to accomplish {John 8:14,15} => Clear idea

[4] Focus on one thing at a time {Luke 4:42} => Step by step

[5] Ask for help {Mark 1:13-14} => Learn to seek help

[6] Develop habit of personnel prayer {Mark 1:35}

[7] Give your stress to Christ {Matt 11:28-30}

[8] Take time to enjoy life {mark 6:31}

Balance in life is a key to stress management ......

--------------------------->Be C-A-L-M<----------------------------------

Saturday, November 24, 2007

I wanna feel something ...

Monday, November 19, 2007

Null in SQL

Null simply means no value.

In SQL context null can have 3 meaning in a relation.

[1]Not applicable field

e.g. (ID,Name,Spouse Name,Address) ----> (0001,Rambo,null,New York City)
Rambo who is single has no spouse .

[2]Unavailable or Withheld

e.g. (ID,Name,Spouse Name,Address,Tel) ----> (0001,Rambo,null,New York City,Tel)
Rambo want his tel to be confidential hence do not provide it.

[3]Unknown - Don't Know!

e.g. (ID,Name,Spouse Name,Address,Tel, CountryOfBirth) ----> (0001,Rambo,null,New York City,Tel,null)
Rambo does not remember which country he is born from hence the field is left as null.

Thus when null is involve in comparison in SQL three-value logical expression is considered:

^|T | F | U

T|T | F | U

F| F | F | F
U|U | F | U

or|T | F | U

T|T | T | T

F| T | F | U
U|T | U | U

! |T | F | U

= |F | T | U

Friday, November 16, 2007

Indian History

Take Away:
Appreciate what you see today for you may not get to see them tomorrow!

I stumble upon a few books on indian history and it was as if i entered a time machine.It is a privilege to be born in an era where things have advance and modernize which sometimes is taken for granted.Very easy to cast away some things of the past as 'olddddy' which yield many insights of the development what we to day.At a mature age when i look back i am amaze at the way things were and how people manage life.Here a few things that got my attention:

The door of past used to be very fancy and it took the worker 3 years to complete with a pay of $8 a day!

The stone grinder is another thing which is a rare sight.With the ease of blender no one is going to lift that stone to break out into a sweat.

Talk to your elders and find how their life was,picking some history so that you will be able to appreciate what you have got and not take it for granted.

Monday, November 5, 2007

SQL Puzzle (DB)

I am sure a typical mind will think of group by for [1] & [2] any other approach ?...

[1]Find all customers who have at least two accounts at the AmoKio

MemberAccount(Account_Number, BranchName,

select distinct T.name
from reader as T
where not unique (
select R.name
from MemberAccount, reader as R
where T.name = R.name AND
R.account_number = MemberAccount.account_number and
MemberAccount.branch_name = ‘AmoKio’)

[2]Given ActedIn(actorName, movieTitle)

Write a query to find the names of actors who acted in at least two different movies.

select A.actorName

from ActedIn as A, ActedIn As B
where A.ActorName=B.ActorName and A.movieTitle<>B.MovieTitle

[3]Find the company that has the smallest payroll:

FROM works
HAVING SUM(salary) <= all (SELECT sum(Salary) FROM works GROUP BY COY_NAME)

[4]Find the names of Singers who are male or appear in "AmericanIdol".

TvProgram(Program, Channel , Singer)
Singer(name, address, gender, birthdate)

You might be tempted to write that the correct answer is

FROM Singer,
WHERE (name=Singer AND Program='AmericanIdol') OR gender='M'

But this is not correct because if
TvProgram is empty then we'll get an empty answer even if there are male Singer. The correct answer is

SELECT name FROM Singer WHERE gender='M'
SELECT T.Singer as name FROM Singer, TvProgram as T
WHERE name=T.Singer AND Program='AmericanIdol')

[5] What is the second highest points earned by a player ?
Player (id,name,points,difficulty)

What are you thinking ? Using Aggregate function max ? then use top ...

FROM Player as A
WHERE 1= (SELECT count(*) FROM Player as B
WHERE A.points '<' B.points

If really get it you can solve the next one ....

[6] What is the ten most highest points earned by a player ?
Player (id,name,points,difficulty)

FROM Player as A
WHERE 9 = (SELECT count(*) FROM Player as B
WHERE A.points '
<' B.points

[7]Given :

F int not null,
U int not null,
N int not null,
Man int not null).

Using SQL, display 1 if Table ABC obey the functional dependency FUN->Man,
and any other result beside 1 if it does not.

For a ABC table like

F U N Man (invalid)
f1 u1 n1 Man1
f1 u1 n1 man2

F U N Man (valid)
f1 u1 n1 man1
f2 u2 n2 man2

Note: a suggested answer not tested

(SELECT Distinct A.F,Distinct A.U,Distinct A.N,Man
FROM ABC ) as Record

(Select Count(*) as C from ABC) As CountABC

(Select Count(*) as C from Record) As CountRecord

Select A.C=B.C From CountABC as A,CountRecord as B

[8] Given A(ID, Name,DOB,Occupation)
What is the difference between count(*) and count( Occupation) ?

The Aggregate functions(sum,avg,max..) expect count ignore null values in their computation.Count (*) will give all results of all records inclusive of occupation that are null

while ...

Count(Occupation) will only compute values that are not null.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Solving 'All' like problems in SQL (DB)

The typical problem
Display the .... of all... that have ....
Display the ..yR1.. of all...R2.. that have ....

Using Relation algebra the R1 / R2 = ProjY(R1) - ProjY { ProjY(R1) x R2 - R1 )


Display the name a which consist of all b that have ....

ProjY(R1) - ProjY { ProjY(R1) x R2 - R1 )
........................^----------------^ ----------------Max possible result (a x b)
........................^----------------------^ ----------Result that do not qualify
..............^---------------------------------^ ---------Extract a that do not qualify
^-----------------------------------------------^ ---------Extract a that qualify

[1]Using SQL an example:


Get supplier names for suppliers who supply ALL parts

FROM P -------------------->ALL Parts
AND SP.P# = P.P# ---------------->Existing parts) ) ------>Unqualified parts

[2]Using SQL an example:

Find all Borrowers who have an member account at all Library branches located in

account (account_number, branch_name, numbooks)
branch (branch_name, branch_city, assets)
Lib_Member (borrower_name, account_number)

select distinct S.borrower_name
from Lib_Member as S
where not exists (
(select branch_name
from branch
where branch_city = ‘Singapore’--------------> All possible branch)
----------------------------->Subtracted branch quality
(select R.branch_name--------------->Branch that may or may not qualify
from Lib_Member as T, account as R
where T.account_number = R.account_number and
S.borrower_name = T.borrower_name ))

Other unrelated SQL an example:


teaching(prof_id, crs_code, term)
professor(prof_id, name, dept_id)

Display the names of all professors that have taught both 291 and 391 but have

never taught 229.

FROM professor p,
((SELECT prof_id as pid
FROM teaching
WHERE crs_code = '291'
SELECT prof_id as pid
FROM teaching
WHERE crs_code = '391'
SELECT prof_id as pid
FROM teaching
WHERE crs_code = '229'
) as t
WHERE p.prof_id = t.pid

Kunning (Mackerel)

Take away:
from helping out in the house,

Mom is gonna make fish 'sambal' using Kunning.Strange Kunning yield not many results in Google.Its a malay word which means yellow.Correctly term Ikan Kunning.See the yellow strip on the fish.Mackerel will yield more result.Sad sad sad.I don't have the privilege to fish one myself for real but got to "fish" some from the supermarket with my notes as the bait.The Kunning look fresh and smell fresh!

Despite eating Kunning all these years,i have been ignorance as to how to prepare them to cook ....until today.Not difficult actually.Grab a knife,cut off the mouth opening.Then using your finger pull out the grills on both ends.That should expose the internal organ of the Kunning ,pull them out and wash the fish.Volia ready to cook!

Something is really wrong long have been low on 'battery' lately.Got to recharge! Where is the drive?

Give thanks:
Lord : For understanding, being able to comprehend OS concepts.
Family :
For company and provisions.
Friends : Care and concern despite making them mad!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Labour Management Relation (HRM 12/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Dunlop's model 3 Actors:

  • Government (MOM)
  • Workers and their Union
  • Management and their representatives
Relationship is linked by an ideology/common objective.


In Lion City:
There is strong communication network,domincance of government,
primary concerns {economic growth,political stability,industrial harmony},
strong union movement,symbiotic:gov and unions,non-adversarial problem solving.
symbiotic:->a relationship between two people in which each person is dependent upon and receives reinforcement, whether beneficial or detrimental, from the other.

Federation of Trade Unions-->National Trades Union Congress {NTUC income,NWC,NTUC comfort,CPF issues,NTUC club-welfare}

1960s---------->Create job,Promote economic growth
1980 & 1990---->Competitiveness through productivity and better quality work life
late 1990---------->Economic crisis, minimum retirement,train and re-train

>>>Cement relationship not derail.


Collective Bargaining ----> Procedural agreement,substantive agreement

Structure to maintain Good Labor-Management Relations
  • Laws & Procedures
  • Role of government,union and management
  • Shared Values
  1. Employment Act
  2. Industrial Relations Act
  3. Trade Unions Act
  4. Trade Disputes Act
  5. Workmen's Compensation Act
  6. Retirement Age Act
  7. Factories Act
  8. Employment of Foreign Workers Act

Fostering Good Labor Management Relations
  • Labour management committee
  • QC circles
  • Shopfloor Discussion
  • Grievance handling
  • Newsletter
  • Suggestion Schemes
  • Recreation committee
  • Safety committee
  • Productivity gainsharing
Overcoming obstacle to Good Labor Management Relations
  • Management commitment
  • Attitude of management
  • Importance of supervisor
  • Union Leader
  • Workers' attitude
Shared Values
  1. Nation before community,society above self
  2. Family as the basic unit of society
  3. Community support & respect for individual
  4. Consensus not conflict
  5. Racial & Religious harmony
  • Change in technology
  • International Competition
  • Changing profile of worker
  • Aging and diverse workforce
  • Restructuring and privatization
  • Protectionism by developed countries
labor Disputes:
  • figure(trade disputes) decreasing since 1996:309 ---> 2006:163
  • The Industrial Arbitration Court existed to settle disputes through conciliation and arbitration

Productivity and Quality Management (HRM 11/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Production system:
input{raw material,parts,personnel,machine-->
  • Direct(Product:Goods,Services);
  • Indirect(Wages,Environmental,Community impact)

Efficiency-Effective Matrix

Effectiveness(Customer needs)
| High
| ...............Survive(under threat) | Thrive
| --------------------------------------------------------------------
| ...............Death .....................| Slow Death
| Low
| ...... Low.................................................. High

Effective { Goals,Doing the right thing}
Efficient {inputs & outputs,low resource waste,doing things right}


[1]JIT(Just in time):

Produce only what is need - Eliminate all waste!

Best Conditions Inventory management:
  1. Stable Demand - require good forecasting
  2. Standard Products - Large amt can be generated
  3. Smooth,Continuous production
  4. Defect-free materials
  5. Reliable suppliers
  6. Efficient Production Control
  7. Motivated Workforce
Ship analogy => Water as inventory low water ship in trouble hitting rocks.

[2]TQM(Total Quality Management):

All involve,inclusive of suppliers to customers.Stress commitment by management for all areas {Marketing sales,engineering,purchasing,personnel,packing,customer service}

  • Quality is key to effective strategy ->Competitive edge
  • Clear strategic goal,vision,mission
  • High quality goals
  • Right Operational plans & policies
  • Feedback mechanism
  • String Leadership
TQM Dimensions:
  1. Customer defines quality
  2. Top management leadership
  3. Quality as a strategic issue
  4. All employee responsible for quality
  5. Continuous improvement
  6. Shared problem solving
  7. Statistical quality control ->online data collection
  8. Training and Education for all employee

Group Behaviour (HRM 6/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Group Dynamics

Norms =>informal rule
that group adopt to regulate and regularize group member behavior

Cohesiveness=>degree of interpersonal attractiveness within a group,dependent on factors like proximity, similarities,attraction among the individual group members,group size,intergroup competition and agreement about goals.

When Self Directed Work Teams not effective ?
Failure in leadership,focus,capability
  • Lack of support,consistency of direction,vision budget and resources
  • Lack of clarity about team purpose,roles,strategy and goals --->Regular meeting,open channels,clarity
  • Lack of critical skill sets,know,ledge ongoing learning and development.--->training,assess team effectiveness
Symptom of unproductive team
  • non accomplishment of goal
  • cautious,guarded communication
  • lack of disagreement
  • malfunctioning meeting
  • conflict with the team
How to improve team productivity
  • have a clear mission/goal
  • set specific performance goals
  • compose the right team size and mix
  • have an agreed-upon structure appropriate to the task
  • delegate authority to make the decisions needed given their mission
  • provided access to or control resources needed to complete the mission
  • offer a mix of group and individual rewards
  • foster longevity and stability of membership
How to improve team performance
  • Select member for skill and teamwork
  • establish challenging performance standards
  • emphasize the task's importance
  • assign whole task
  • send the right signals
  • encourage social support
  • make sure there are unambiguous team rule
  • challenge the group regularly with fresh facts and information
  • Train and cross-train
  • Provide the necessary tools and support
  • Encourage "emotionally intelligent" team behavior.

Leader roles! ---> (Form,Storm,Norm,Perform,Adjourn)
  • coaching not bossing
  • help define analyze and solve problem
  • encourage participation by others
  • serve as a facilitator
  • respect fellow team members (value)
  • trust fellow team members (value)
  • putting the team first (value)
Organization context that support teams
  • Organizational Structure --->(Flat)
  • Organizational Systems ---> (Gain Sharing procedure,information system)
  • Organizational Polices --->(Employment stability,Equal treatment)
  • Employee Skills -->(job related,interpersonal,team-based managerial)

Process Organisation (HRM 5/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Learning Organization
  • Adopt organic,networked form
  • encourage employee to learn and confront their assumptions.
  • Have employee share a common vision
  • Have the capacity to {adapt to unforeseen situations,learn from own experience,change more quickly,shift their shared mindsets}
Managing Learning Organization
(Decision Making)----->Decentralize
  • Downsize
  • Reduce management layers
  • Establish mini-units
(Personal Mastery)--->Learn/Upgrade
  • Provide continuous learning opportunities
  • Foster inquiry and dialogue
  • Establish mechanisms to ensure that the organization is continuously aware of and can interact with the environment
Organic = flexible,less specialized jobs,decentralize closer to client vs
Outdated Mechanistic organization=many chain of command.

Boundaryless Organization
'Take away the barrier'
  • Authority Boundary = status/org level -->communication distorted
  • Task Boundary = tendency of employee to focus only in their specialize task
  • Political Boundary = Power struggle,opposing agenda
  • Identity Boundary = groups with shared experience

  • delegate authority not responsibility
  • delicate not abdicate => take away full responsibility
  • know what to delegate
  • specify the range of discretion =>limit/boundary
  • make the person accountable for the decisions
  • authority should equal responsibility
  • beware of backward delectation

Human Assets and Performance (HRM 4/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

HR Process:


(job analysis,personnel planning,monitor env change) --- (Skill and mix) --- (interview,testing & selection) --- ( ) --- ( Evaluate & Appraise,compensate)

Selection Techniques

  • Computerized testing
  • Background Investigation,Reference checks
  • Honesty checking - Lie Detector
  • Health exam

Testing for employee Selection (Reliability & Validity)

  • Intelligence
  • Mechanical Comprehension
  • Personality and Interest
  • Ability/Achievement (Current competencies)
  • Aptitude - performance potential
  • Management assessment center (very expensive)
Conducting Effective Interview (Not perfect,short time)
  • Plan
  • Structure
  • Establish rapport
  • Ask effective question -------->Job related don't ask personal question
  • Delay your decision
  • Close

Being Interviewed
  • Prepare
  • Make a good first impression
  • Uncover interviewee's needs
  • Relate your answer to interviewer's need
  • Think before answering
  • Watch you non-verbal behavior
  • Close
Appraisal Interview ---->(360 feedback,ratings,critical incident)
  • Prepare
  • Be direct and specific
  • Don't get personal
  • Encourage the person to talk
Forms of Employee Compensation
  • Fixed Salary (low fix and high variable based on performance)
  • Hourly wage
  • Financial Incentives
Must be useful to employee must have value,
  • maternatiy leave not use for male-dominated workplace
  • transport allowance to worker living near factory not useful

Organization Culture (HRM 3/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Organization Culture = How you do things?
What make a Coy culture different ? = Set of values and beliefs

At times legal but not ethical, ethical but not legal.

Foster Ethics at Work

  • Emphasize top management commitment
  • Publish ethics code
  • Establish compliance mechanisms.Involve personnel at all levels
  • Train employee
  • Measure results
  • Whistle blowing

Create corporate culture at Work

  • Clarify expectation
  • Use signs and Symbol
  • Provide physical support
  • User Stories
  • Organize rite and ceremonies

Barriers in Dealing with Diversity

  • Stereotyping
  • Prejudice
  • Ethnocentrism
  • Discrimination
  • Tokenism
  • Gender-role sterotyping
Manage Diversity
  • Strong leadership
  • assess your situation regularly
  • Provide diversity training & education
  • Change the culture and management systems
  • Evaluate the diversity program

Manager means ... (HRM 2/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Manager => {Plan,organize,lead and control}
Mintzberg Manager Roles:
  • Figurehead
  • Leader
  • Liaison
  • Spokesperson
  • Negotiator
Manager Traits => comfortable dealing with people, enjoying working in supervisory,career anchor

Manager General Skills => {Technical,Interpersonal,Conceptual,Communication}
Specific = {Budgeting,Delegation,Coaching,Disciplining,Managing conflict,Running productive meetings}

  • Adversity
  • Financial
  • Spiritual
  • Culture
  • Moral

=Fundamental Changes Facing Managers=


  • Explosion of technological innovation
  • Globalization of markets & Competition
  • Deregulation
  • Changing demographics
  • New political Systems
  • Category killers
  • Service and Knowledge jobs

Leads to .......................

  • Increased competition
  • Uncertainty,turbulence and rapid change
  • More Consumer choices
  • Mergers and divestitures
  • Joint Venture
  • More Complexity
  • Short product life cycle
  • Market fragmentation
  • More uncertainty for manager
  • Record number of business failures

So Companies Must Be

  • Fast, responsive and adaptive
  • Flat organization
  • Downsized
  • Quality Conscious
  • Empowered
  • Smaller Units
  • Decentralized
  • Human Capital Oriented
  • Boundaryless
  • Values and Vision oriented
  • Team based
Today's management Environment
  • Globalization---------->social,boundaryless,
  • Technological Advances----->pace
  • The Nature of Work------>temp,contract
  • The Workforce---->aging,educated
  • Category Killers--------------->big eat small coy
  • Modern Management Thought

Competitive Advantage (HRM 1/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

| Superior value for customers |....{Benefit e.g Guaranteed 'safe'delivery+overnight delivery}
| ....Competitive advantage ....|
| ....Core competencies...... ....|......{Superior Quality,Superior service}
| ...............Resources ...........|

Resources -> {Tangible or Intangible}
Resources -> {Valuable,Rare,Hard to copy,Non Substitutable}

First movers/patent/

Conflict Management Styles (HRM 9/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Conflict =>Difference between >=2 parties -->opposition




. Competitive--------------------------Collaborative

. ---------------------Compromising----------------------

. Avoidant----------------------------Accommodative



Collaborative – Solve the problem together {treated fairly}

Competitive - Get your way { 1 party feel vindicated }

Accommodative – Don't upset the other person-Relations { other person take advantage}

Compromising - Reach agreement quickly {seek expedient vs effective solution}

Avoidant - Avoid having to deal with the conflict {Interpersonal problem don't get involve}

Change Management (HRM 10/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

>> Any Pressures? >> What to change? >> How to? ----> Organizational Effectiveness

People resist change-->Lack of info,honest disagreement over facts concerning change,fear,lost of status,avoid competing commitments.

Fundamental of Strategic changes => {Technology; Structure; Cultural}

What trigger Strategic change??


Factors outside COY, Strategic changes necessary for survival, if applied during crisis period highly risk => RESPOND not REACT


What and how to change ??


Lewin theory = >

Unfreeze->Explain, unlock the minds,educate,


Refreeze ->Reward,prevent a return to old ways,a new system


Manager's role in leading changes

Transactional role

=> {focus at task @ hand Leaderships style better ourself} Small picture daily operation

Transformational role

=> {focus on COY missionary,strategies & inspiration &commitment.} Big picture as a whole entity...

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Leadership IS (HRM 8/12)

Take Away:
from lecture,

Leadership is =>Influence =>Predetermine objective
Effective Leadership depend on =>traits and styles/behavior =>Situation
Leader behaviors {Vision/Direction; Align Employee; Inspire & motivate}

[1] Building blocks of leader

Leadership Foundation = [A]power +[B] traits + [C]behaviors
Foundation to =>Provide Vision, Think Like a leader, Use right Leadership style, skills

[A]Power => Positon {Information; Legitimate; Reward} Personnel {Expert; Rational Persuasion}
[B]Traits => unchanging characteristic of a person = > {Decisive; Co-operative; Assertive; Dependable}
Skill => Something you are good at => {Social; Speaking; Administration, Technical; Dipolmatic}
[C]Behaviors => Focus on --->> {People} or ---> {Production}

Leadership grid showing behaviour style:


P +-CountryClub--+-----+-----+---Ideal---+

E +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

O +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

P +-------------Middle of the Road-+-----+

L +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+

E +--------------+-----+-----+-----+-----+



PRODUCTION ------------- >

[2] Hersey & Blanchard’s Stituation Leadership styles => based on readiness state and level guidance need by follower

1.telling ---------->>[Readiness 1]
[HighTask focus/less relation ~ Low ability high level of drive]

2.Selling ------------------------------>>Readiness 2]
[Relationship focus/directing; praise ~ ability improves however drives fall]

3. Participating ------------------------------>> Readiness 3]
[Relationship focus/low task; Manager direct and make decisions ~ ability improves however drives falling need to improve ~ ability good level but drive still lacking]

4. Delegation ---------->> Readiness 4]
[Relationship focus/directing; praise]
[Low task focus/Low relation ~High level of ability and drive ]

# --->> represent guidance level varies with readiness level 1-4.

What kind of leader are you ?

Cookie pageant


Diwali is round the corner hence check out the cookie pageant all produced by mom. This is contestant number one rocky like atoms all squeeze together:

Next we have contestant number two, flower with triangular pose.(*click for closeup*)

Here is a line up our cookie contestants...

Some are still in the making and who will walk away with the crown?

Take Away:

from life experience,
Never assume or infer unless you have test it =)

It was the Hari Raya Puasa season and it a good time to get dates! There is abundance of data during this season.I have only tasted the ones that are package which is preserved never really tasted a fresh one until i got my hands on some Arab dates.

It tasted very sweet like sugar cane.The fruit is crunchy you can hear the 'hug' 'hug' sound as if eating an apple, this one is a tough fruit very hard on the outside! After eating two i would not continue.The rest lasted for a week plus.

I stumble on to another set of dates from ???IA thinking that it will be a good buy....

to my disappointment it is tasteless! The darker ones appear to be slightly sweet.This one is not like the previous one although it shared similar properties. Never assume or infer unless you have tested it =) you never know ....

Give Thanks:

Lord – Health

Friends - Accompany/Sharing


  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
  • You can do almost anything if you have a steady income. Little or much, what matters is that you can count it, month after month.Without the regular flow of funds, you will be constantly distracted from you goals - Norm & Bo
  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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