Our Daily Bread

what I need to do ...

  • Continious learning -unlearn as necessary
  • Reach out to family & loves ones
  • Maintain fitness - strong core and clear IPPT
  • Pick up parenting skills
  • Save up and plan for renovation
  • Build passive business & investment income
  • Back up Data
  • Manage $ Cash flow
  • Learn sinan mori

Saturday, July 18, 2009

The mouth trap

Notes compiled after reading:
The Mouth Trap by Gary Seigel

[1] our thoughts -> feeling -> behavior.
Get some burning coals into a pit.
Can you walk across burn free ?

[2] Avoid being consumed by people negative words...

[3] Event + Response = Outcome (what do you want ?)

[4] Know your audience

(i) Treat people the way thay want to be treated
Direct => Straight to core message , (+) instant decision , (-) drop verbal bomb without thinking
Indirect => Probe and research before making conclusion , (+) patience & attention to details (-) hold emotions & explode

Both direct and indirect personnel are vital in an organisation

Open => extroverts - gain energy by interacting with others => words come out easily
Closed => introvert - gain energy from their own brains and inside themselves => value private space

...........[A]Thinker | [D] Director....
...........[C]Relator | [B]Socializer...


[A] Detail-Oriented Thinkers (close/indirect)
- Account for tiny details - *just the facts*
- value facts
- perfectionist - over analyse
- silence can be stifling
- greatest fear is making mistake

[B] Visionaries or Socializers (open/direct)
- *have fun,lively entertaining*
- love to meet people
- dress for occasion
- how's it going?
- approach them with energy & enthusiasm
- compliment and never embrass them in front of others
- don't cut them off although they bury you with words

[C] Consensus-Driven Relators (Open/indirect)
- *Great listeners, arbitrators*
- fair,loyal and cooperative
- "water cooler"
- "No problem", although knowing there is a problem
- Oversensiive and can't make direct decision
e.g. lunch ? anywhere is fine.
- read things into situation - be sincere and upfront
- Be expressive,casual,informal

[D] Director (close/direct)
- *run the show take responsibility seriously*
- work at fast pace
- cannot tolerate laziness
- desire straight forward approach
- competitive,chanllengig, demanding, controlling

People Attirbutes
Dominance => seek control - 'i want it this way'
Socialbility => people skills - too high (customer service) irrate, too low (read doc,figures - accountant) quiet
Compliance => follow rules
Relaxation/Patience => able to handle repeated task, (high)-Account for detail (low)-Driven

1. What do you want? (want) What's in the way? (Obtacle) Resolutiom
2. Describe Behaveiour, Tell Correction , Ask for commitment - attitude
3. What happened ? The feelings , The identity e.g as women
4. Find out the problem, agree problem exist, negotiate the solution,follow up,recognise and show appreciation

Impression Counts
3.Front Lean
4.Touch - left hand, elbow
5.Eye Contact
7.Arm & Hand Movement - little gesticulation
8.Leg Movement

- can increse or decrease productivty
- place humor in right place
- deal in the open

Create engaging email that get a response not a reaction
- too short email "can't do it",
- aoid trigger phases => obviously,in the first place,need,should,can't
1. Check out company's email policy
2. Create owbn e-mail policy
3. Plan & organise before typing
4. Create easy-to-find core message, reader should not be hunting
5. Include essential detail, Too much detail - attachment
6. Ensure proper grammar
7. Proofread
8. Customize meesgae for reader
9. Bads news deliver quickly
10. Don't waste reader's time - put subject in subject line
11. QTIP - Quit taking it personally - take full responsibility for your writing and get it right.

Got to watch what i say ....

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Make your own candles.

Stumble on this book - Title creating candles by Luisa Sacchi.

Am fascinated by the following candles design:

1. *Wineglass Candle* , with a rose within using *transparent gel wax* , wax wicks Can vary with any rose colours.

Variant: mug + leaf, jar filled with plastic fruits

2. *Stone Candle*, candle laid below, wire mesh, stone deco laid on top, some scent

3. Using wax sheet to cut out design and attach to candle, sticking fragment to candle e.g. seashell, ropes

4. Powder wax for Scented Sand Cocktail candle

5. Bead around a vase with a candle stuck in between

6. Bamboo, Straws place around the box, pour white wax into box

7. Floating Candle, ensure wick don't get wet, other items likes flower can float along in the bowl

8. Using orange, red pepper etc to be the candle container

9. Use of liquid wax for design, gel wax, paraffin wax to create foam effect , (ice-cream candle, beer candle)

I should make one candle for fun, getting the wax seems tricky =)

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Timing never stops ticking got to keep moving

I am reminded that
  • seconds,
  • minutes,
  • hours,
  • days,
  • weeks,
  • months,
  • years
are passing by so soon.

Lost time is never found again and no amount of riches
can get it back. A childhood gone is gone, a youth gone is gone ,
a season gone is gone.

I hope i do not waste any more time
to do what is to be done ............

Persist !

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Complicated - Bon Jovi

Have listen to this song since young .... yeah since the album 'Have a nice day' was release in August 30, 2005
Whenever i get myself into a complicated complex situation this song expresses my feeling and thoughts...
Bon Jovi Rocks !
Find this album relevant even after so many years ....
The Song complicated in the Have a nice day' album:
Take a look around, this is what I see
Is there anybody else that feels like me?
You swear, you swear
You bleed, you bleed
What you get aint what you see
All this town in black looks white to me
I'm complicated
I get frustrated
Right or wrong, love or hate it
I'm complicated
Can't sudate it
I heard that song, but i won't play it
It's alright
It's okay
You wouldn't want me any other way
I keep on praying, cause I aint changing
I'm complicated
Complicated, Yeah
I'm smart enough to know what I don't know
A fool enough to stay when I should go
You work, you work
You cry, you cry
You watch your whole life pass you by
Sometimes you gotta close your eyes to see
Is there anybody out there
Just like everybody out there
Just want somebody out there just like me
Is there anybody out there
Just like everybody out there
Just want somebody out there just like me [x2]

Its ok, its alright, as i watch my whole life pass by i lean more on the Lord

Saturday, July 4, 2009

How to handle vulgarities hurl at you !

What is it ?
It can be a 'f' word, cursing certain body parts, insulting your mother, a slang.

By the way how did all this originated ....
source :http://www.thefreedictionary.com/vulgar
The word probably had a neutral meaning and developed into a negative meanings over time. The ancestor of vulgar, the Latin word vulgris (from vulgus, "the common people"), meant "of or belonging to the common people, everyday," as well as "belonging to or associated with the lower orders." Vulgris also meant "ordinary," "common (of vocabulary, for example)," and "shared by all." An extension of this meaning was "sexually promiscuous," a sense that could have led to the English sense of "indecent."

and how come it get pass on?
the passing on of vulgarities probably would be like , 'you call me names' i will do that back to you and apply that elsewhere and the cycle repeats

Why say #$%% ?
Unless such words are used some people don't get the sense of urgency.
e.g Can you f***ing get the cup!
e.g.You are f***ing late, move fast!

Or when some thing good or bad happens.
e.g. Its so f***ing good!
e.g. What the f***? i loss
e.g. ****!, i forgot my card.

To get attention, sound cool.

What it shows?
It reflect badly on the speaker.
Gives a poor image of the speaker depending on how tolerant the listener perceives the expression.
Ultimately it shows that the speaker is a poor communicator, who let his or her emotion lose .
By resorting to a demeaning tactics to enforcing "authority" is obviously not
going to do any good.

Yada yada so how?
The speaker has angered you with his or her rich spicy words. Your blood is boiling. There is thunder flashing and you are ready to rebut. Your volcano is going to explode ...


The speaker will probably continue with his or verbal diarrhea until he or she run out of breath. Some would go on rattling #$%%

* Breathe in *

Respond calmly: Sir or Madam *you are very impolite*

If the speaker continue squirting more verbal diarrhea. repeat the same statement Sir or Madam you are very impolite.

Simple and clear. If that knock some sense into the speaker good else respond

* "I'm sorry, I don't have the time to entertain you with this ...." *

and move on, no need to raise your pressure unnecessary.

To enhance your respond list you can try the following words besides impolite:

Sir or Madam
  • you are very rude
  • you are very crude
  • your words are distasteful
  • your words are unpleasant

It is recommended you stick to one line for a situation vs. using a variety of lines
as it may appear you are challenging the speaker.

That's not you want, you want to build goodwill.

Friday, July 3, 2009

IA briefing take away ...
>> Testimonial ... -> Letter of Commendation
>> * USP - unqiue selling proposition *
>> Fresh however season ...
>> Ethics, Integrity, attitude ... character ...
>> Deliever under pressure ...
>> Clarity in career goals ...
>> Street smart - real world - complex - different dynamic
>> Say and do the right thing ...

1.Log book -- wk 10,20
2.Oral Interview -- wk 10,20
Work in org -> Org Sup
Final Report -> Tutor
Presentation -> Intro, Reflective Recommendation & Conclusion

>> Read better report ....

1. Have a good project plan
2. Time-line
3. What's the deliverable, expectation, target
4. Learning objective ??
5. Note program / project can change ..... Be prepared
6. Watch out for safety

No Join report

The Knack

The following are bottom lines from ‘The Knack’ as seen above. I recommend this book to you. (Published 2008)

Notes Compiled Raj 2 July 2009, for personnel reference =)

How to succeed in Business (Chapter 1)
1. Don’t let emotions lead you into hasty decisions that will make it more difficult for you to achieve your real goals.
2. Make sure you understand what cash flow is and figure in advance where it’s going to come from.
3. Control the sales mentality and balance it with a business mentality and before it’s too late.
4. Learn to anticipate and recognize the changes in your business by developing a good feel for the numbers.

The Right Stuff (Chapter 2)
1. Those who perseveres win. Be resilient and welcome failure. That’s how you become a better businessperson.
2. You learn by refusing to make excuses and looking deep inside yourself for the reasons things have gone wrong.
3. Focus (what kind of customer & focus on building the base) and discipline are more important than identifying opportunities, but they have to be balanced with flexibility
4. The solutions are seldom right in front of you. You need to learn how to spot them out of the corner of your eye.

Why Start-up Fail (Chapter 3)
1. It’s good to have a lot of competitors because education a market is a very expensive proposition.
– agree, with my team mate started a mobile location based services start-up, take a while for people to comprehend what we are doing, no standards to follow and so forth
2. If you are a first time entrepreneur, It’s generally better to start a business than to buy one
3. The first business plan should be simple and you should write it for yourself, not for potential investors.
4. Your time is more valuable than money and you should be careful not waste it.
- I fully agree with this point, money can always be earn, time nope, don’t want to waste my youth

Where the Money Is (Chapter 4)
1. Before you ask people for money, make sure you know how much they like to invest and what they are looking for.
2. Start early to build a relationship with a commercial banker and use an asset-based lender only If you can’t get the money you need from a commercial bank
3. Bankers are businesspeople too. Treat them the way you would like your customers to treat you.
4. Your receivables are loans to your customers. Make sure your portfolio is in good shape.

Magic Numbers (Chapter 5)
1. Whenever you launch a new business, keep track of your monthly sales and gross margin by hand until you have a good feel for them. --- will require discipline
2. Find the key numbers that tells you how your business is doing real time, before you get the sales report.
3. More sales usually mean less cash flow. Figure out your future cash needs while you still have time to address them.
4. Understand your earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization, and use a multiple of that not sales as the measure of your business’s value.

The Art of the Deal (Chapter6)
1. Listening is the most important part of any negotiation. Make sure your hear what is really being said.
2. Go in with no preconceptions, and always assume that the other side is smarter than you. -Agree
3. Develop the habit of questioning what you see on the surface and dig to find out what ‘really going on. - Agree
4. In an adversarial negotiation, the best deal is one that leaves both sides a little unhappy.

It Begin with a Sale (Chapter7)
1. The secret of successful selling lies in losing your fear of asking. You don’t ask, you don’t get
2. You probably won’t discover your company’s niche until after you have launched the business.
3. No niche lasts forever. You may have to discover new ones as you go along
4. Your reputation is your most valuable business asset, and your competitors play a critical role in shaping it.
5. What business are you really in ?

Good Sales, Bad Sales and the Ones That Get Away (Chapter8)
1. You are better off with a base of many small customers than with few large ones
2. Showing is more effective than telling when it comes to signing up new customers. Let them experience what you have to offer
3. Listening is a lost art. You can gain a competition advantage just by listening carefully to what your prospects and customers are saying.
4. It is almost always a bad idea to reduce your prices just to fill unused capacity. You will just undermine the more profitable part of your business. (Watch out for hidden expenses)

Customer for Keeps (Chapter 9)
1. Customer retention is the key to growth, and you retain customers by building strong relationship with them.
2. One way to build strong relationship with customers is to help them become smarter buyers by teaching them your business.
3. Make a point of treating old customers like new prospects. Otherwise, it’s easy to start taking them for granted.
4. You will lose contract with your customers as your company grows unless you build customer face-time into your schedule.

How to Lose Customers (Chapter 10)
1. Customers don’t like feeling that they are supporting your lavish lifestyle. Don’ give them reason reasons to think they are
2. Make a habit of a having a small piece increases on a regular basis so that you aren’t forced to have a big increase later on. This reminds me of the regular price hike in transport fee in the lion city.
3. Your company is probably your most valuable personal assert. Don’t undermine its value by letting your margin erode
4. Beware of the rules you make. They may inadvertently force your employees to provide poor service to customers.

The Decision to Grow (Chapter 11)
1. Business is a mean to an end. Does a life plan before you make your business plan. --- This is an eye opener to me!
2. When trying to move to the next level sales, don’t assume you know all the factors that led to your initial success.
3. Growing a business is a matter of choice. Before deciding to grow, make sure you know why you are doing it
4. Biggest is not always better. Small companies have some advantage that large companies can’t match

Becoming the Boss (Chapter 12)
1. As close as you may be to your employees, neither you nor they should forget that it’s a business relationship and needs to be treated as such
2. If you, like most entrepreneurs, prefer selling to managing, remember that you can hire other people to do management. You don’t have to do it yourself.
3. The way to deal with employee theft is to improve your system, not stop trusting people.
4. When the time comes for you to step aside and turn day-to-day operations over to your managers, get someone you trust to help you with the transition, and find other ways that you can contribute to the business.

Becoming the Boss (Chapter 13)
1. Your company’s culture can be your most powerful tool for finding and keeping great employees. Don’t miss the opportunities to shape it that arise every day.
2. The one thing you can’t delegate is the responsibility for making sure the company has a single culture, not several competing ones
3. Expenses have a natural tendency to creep up over time. If you want to control them, you need to get everyone involved in the effort.
4. Look for opportunities to send the message to employees that you really care about them, and that you want to them to care about keeping costs done (the pen)

Selling is a Team Sport (Chapter 14)
1. Salespeople are your representatives in the marketplace. Make sure you choose salespeople who will represent you well.
2. Beware of hotspots and would be entrepreneurs and don’t hire salespeople from within your industry.
3. Sales commission cause divisions in a company and get in the way of building a team. Don’t pay on commission unless you have to, and switch to salary plus bonus as soon as you can.
4. All your employees have an impact on sales, at least indirectly. With the right training, you can teach them how to have a direct impact.

Help! I Need Somebody (Chapter 15)
1. Sometimes you get so close to the problem that you lose other perspective.
2. You usually need help from someone who is not emotionally involved and who knows the right question to ask.
3. When you are struggling with a problem, get an outside perspective to make sure you are identified the real one and come up with a solution that’s going to address it.
4. Accountants are good for explaining what has happened in the past, but don’t go to them for business advice. Talk to an experience business owner instead.
5. Your Lawyer’s job is to tell you the potential legal consequences of a decision or a course of action – not to give you business advice.
6. Yes, your small companies can afford to hire world-class executives as long as you are willing to create a situation in which they can make money and have fun.

When the Student Is Ready, the Teacher Appears (Chapter 16)
1. There are great business lessons to be learned wherever you go, but you have to remember to look for them.
2. Solving a problem is a two-step process. First you should stop the bleeding, and then you need to address the underlying cause.
3. Preparation is a crucial competitive edge. Don’t assume you know what’s in a contract – even an old contract – unless you have gone back and reread it.
4. The harder someone pushes you to make a quick decision, the more insistent you should be about taking your time.

Keeping Up with Stones (Chapter 17)
1. Be prepared to carry new salespeople for up to a year before getting the kind of production that will justify what it cost to hire them
2. If you want salespeople to make good sales, teach them how your business makes money
3. Watch your numbers carefully and when they change – find out why. There’s always a reason
4. Enthusiasm is lifeblood of a business. Be generous with it.


  • You are your thoughts.The thoughts in your head are what institute the laws of attraction. You think therefore you are. - Joe Vitalli, The Laws of Attraction
  • Don't react blatantly in Anger and become a Zero - Papati
  • Don't miss out in the learning values of problems by over-looking the root causes but starting at the occurences - Raj
  • You can do almost anything if you have a steady income. Little or much, what matters is that you can count it, month after month.Without the regular flow of funds, you will be constantly distracted from you goals - Norm & Bo
  • Time is greater than money, you can never really buy time. Don't let time slip away. - Raj
  • Ignore technology advancement and you will either be left behind or you have to fork out more - Raj
  • Without passion nothing happens in life but without compassion the wrong things happen - Jan Eliasson
  • The poorer you are the more you need to plan and act wisely. Any undesired outcome you have little resource to manoeuvre.
  • “Life changes when you least expect it to. The future is uncertain. So, seize this day, seize this moment, and make the most of it.”
  • To get to where you want to go in life you must start from where you are - Tan
  • Maturity does not come with age,it comes with the acceptance of responsibilities - Tan

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